David Granatstein

Organic Ag Snapshot for 2017

Organic agriculture in Washington State, as with the rest of the country and world, experienced continued growth in 2017, as we documented in our latest report PDF. New records were reached for certified farms and…

a patch of red and green leaf lettuce.

Organic Farming Continues to Expand

Organic hops, research trial of cover crops. Yakima Valley. Photo: D. Granatstein. It’s hard for much to make the news other than politics these days.  But the world keeps on turning, we keep on eating,…

The “Sunset Review” Process of the National Organic Standards Board

This post was written by Harold Austin, NOSB member and David Granatstein, WSU The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-624, Nov. 28, 1990) was passed to establish a uniform definition and regulation of organic foods in the U.S. The law provides the framework for development of a system for organic certification (7 […]

Organic appetite continues to grow

Next week, Sept. 12-19, is Washington Organic Week, an annual celebration of organic farms, foods, and businesses in the state. This week we are releasing our 2014 statistical update of the organic sector, a report we have now produced for 10 years running. With continuous data over time, one can start to pick out some […]

Blueberries are Blooming and Booming

Consumer interest in blueberries as part of a healthy diet has exploded in recent years.  Blueberries are considered one of the “superfruits”, full of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. They are also easy to use, especially in breakfasts, where the breakfast smoothie has become a standard way to start the day for many.  This new […]

Washington Organic Week – a time to celebrate the harvest

Every year the second week in September (7th-13th this year) is designated as Washington Organic Week (WOW!) to celebrate the organic farmers, farms and food and the bounty of the harvest in our state (learn more HERE). Nationally, the organic sector did well in 2013, reaching $32.3 billion in retail food sales, up 11.4% from […]

Washington Agriculture by the Numbers

The results of the 2012 Census of Agriculture were recently released by USDA.  Every 5 years, the National Agricultural Statistics Service fields a nationwide census to all identifiable farms in the country.  The census reports contain a wealth of information and new questions are added as agriculture changes, such as questions on direct marketing, organic […]

Greening Up with Cover Crops for Yield and Sustainability

I had the good fortune to attend the National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health in Omaha, Nebraska recently.  Soil health is in the limelight these days, with a new soil health initiative at the USDA-NRCS, a new Soil Health Partnership from the National Corn Growers Association, another soil health initiative from the Noble […]