Neibergs, S.

Shannon Neibergs

Provision of forage protein reservoirs to enhance utilization of low-quality forages by beef cattle

Forages are well suited for livestock production, wildlife habitat, and provide benefits for soil conservation. As forages mature, protein declines and fiber increases. In ruminant nutrition, forages with less than 7% crude protein are considered low quality. Since protein is the first-limiting nutrient with low quality forages, grazing mature forage grasses typically requires provision of supplemental protein.

Tallgrass Prairie in Central Washington: Establishing Warm-Season Perennial Grasses on Irrigated Pasture

Warm-season perennial grasses (WSG) native to the American tallgrass prairie have tremendous production potential under irrigation. Central Washington irrigated pastures occupied by cool-season grasses exhibit dramatically slower growth during meteorological summer. Grazing land is a scarce resource in Washington State for which there is high demand. Further, many ranchers’ business growth is limited by unavailability […]

Using the BioIntensive Technique of Intercropping Teff (Eragrostis tef) into Timothy to Improve the Economic Sustainability of Timothy

This project goal is to conduct and disseminate field and lab based hay production quality and economic research on timothy, a perennial cool season grass with teff, a annual warm season crop through intercropping, promoting stability and sustainability for timothy hay producers in Washington State. Intercropping timothy with teff was not successful the first or […]

Developing research information to evaluate camelina and canola in a livestock feeding system

Our project will conduct a nutritional analysis of the biodiesel byproduct, and complete an economic analysis using the camelina biodiesel byproduct as ruminant feed. The studies contained in this proposal address the 2012 BioAg priority areas: provide information that is critical in utilization of canola and camelina meals in ruminant diets and thereby promoting livestock […]