
Dairy Waste Composting

Myers Collins, K., R. Shumway and Q. Liu. May, 2003. WSU Extension Bulletin EB1947B. This bulletin discusses on-farm manure and straw bedding composting methods, costs, benefits and economics of composting, and marketing of compost. Additional information on this topic can be found in Extension Bulletins EB1947E and EB1948E.

Herbicide in Compost

This broadcast discusses aspects of compost contamination by persistent herbicides, such as picloram and clopyralid, which became an issue in 2000. Also discusses subsequent herbicide label and use rule changes. Featured guests: Dave Bezdicek and Mary Fauci from the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and Dan Caldwell, compost manager for WSU. Posted via RealPlayer. […]

Composting of Poultry Offal Demonstration Project

Bary, A., C. Miles and K. Gilbert. 2001. Report of a demonstration project conducted at Middle Farm, Lopez Island. The project objectives were to develop a successful composting process using poultry offal produced on the farm and to produce finished compost that is environmentally sound, economically feasible and returns nutrients to the farm.

Effects of Biodynamic Preparations on Compost Development.

Carpenter-Boggs, L., J. Reganold, A. Kennedy. 2000. Biol. Agric. Hortic. 17:313-328. The study showed that additions of herbal biodynamic preparations to compost piles resulted in consistently higher pile temperature during active composting, and higher nitrate levels and lower dehydrogenase:carbon dioxide release in mature compost samples, compared to the control.