Faculty Leadership Team
- Michael Brady, Economic Sciences
- Ian Burke, Crop and Soil Sciences
- Deirdre Griffin LaHue, Crop and Soil Sciences
- Kris Johnson, Animal Sciences
- Laura Lavine, Entomology
- Kevin Murphy, Crop and Soil Sciences
- Kiwamu Tanaka, Plant Pathology
- Kirti Rajagopalan, Biological Systems Engineering
- Clea Rome, Clallam County Extension
- Matthew Whiting, Horticulture
- Meijun Zhu, Food Science
External Advisory Committee
- Brad Bailie, Lenwood Farms
- Brenda Book, WSDA
- Kevin Corliss, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates
- Tim Crosby, Cascadia Foodshed Financing Project
- Maurice Robinette, cow-calf producer
- Díanna Sanchez, Stemilt Growers
- Derek Sandison, Washington State Department of Agriculture
- Anne Schwartz, Blue Heron Farm
- Melissa Spear, Tilth Alliance
- Bill Warren, Orchardist/Farm Bureau
- Chery Sullivan, Washington State Department of Ecology
- Austin Allred, Royal Dairy
Affiliated Faculty
CSANR works with numerous WSU Faculty. Many of our faculty affiliates have current or previous research projects and publications that can be accessed via the CSANR Grants Database or the CSANR Publications Library.