Community and Society

More Independent Science Must be Part of Regaining Public Confidence in GE Food Technology

The finding of some Roundup Ready (RR) wheat plants in an eastern Oregon field must leave some PNW wheat growers feeling snakebit, since they decided a decade ago to oppose the commercialization of RR wheat until the technology is fully approved and accepted by consumers, both here and abroad.  While this episode has disrupted trade […]

Innovative farmers as solution to society’s “wicked problems”: The Vander Haak Dairy

About once a year I accept a request to present on the topic of the future of agriculture and food. Usually, when I’m asked to do this, I know that the audience I’m presenting to is hoping for something inspiring – which, if you’ve seen me present, you know is something of an oxy-moron. I […]

Where are all the apple blossoms?

This weekend marks the 93rd Washington State Apple Blossom Festival in Wenatchee – one of the true highlight events celebrating agriculture and community in the state. And, after a few weeks of unseasonably cold temperatures,…

Toward an “Innovative Ecosystem” for Ag Research

On December 7, 2012 the President’s Council on Science and Technology released a report on the health of the nation’s agricultural research enterprise.  It is a remarkable document that deserves close attention and a central place in the ongoing debate over where and how to deploy science and technology in advancing progress in the food […]

Celebrating two full decades of Sustainable Agriculture Science!

While I am not generally inclined toward self-promotion, I can say without hesitation that WSU truly is World Class when it comes to sustainable and organic agriculture. We know this because of the amazing run of success WSU scientists have had in recent years in various competitive science programs like USDA’s Organic Research and Extension […]

The clean air I took for granted

In case you hadn’t noticed, central Washington is still on fire. If you haven’t noticed, then you must live a long way from here! Raging wildfires have consumed nearly 150,000 acres of the center of the state over the past two months, with the most recent round of blazes (more than 100 fires) sparked by […]

Doin’ the Dots: farmers market data collection engages community participation

How many customers do we have? What do customers care about most? How much do they spend? And how do you answer these questions with no turnstiles, barcodes, or cash registers to be found? The very charms of shopping a farmers market – a weekly intimacy with the product and producer; low-tech, hand-crafted displays; and […]

Love farmers markets? Thank your market managers.

August is peak season for Washington State’s 160 farmers markets. With the rain in check and days long, farmers are out in full force with their tree-ripened peaches, corn picked that day, heirloom tomatoes, farmstead cheeses, grass-fed meats, and more. We estimate that farmers markets support around 1,400 unique farms. Some of these farms have […]

Hope for a sustainable Haiti?

In February, I was invited by CSANR-affiliated WSU alum and good friend Jason Streubel to visit Haiti for an agricultural summit he was hosting on behalf of his new organization, Convoy of Hope (CoH). Jason was hired immediately after graduating WSU with his Ph.D. in soil science last year to help CoH “build a sustainable […]