Perspectives on Sustainability

New Perspectives at The Tilth Conference

My name is Daizy Dehnke, and I’m a sophomore majoring in Organic and sustainable agriculture at WSU. For some important background context, I don’t have any experience regarding agriculture. I’ve helped tend a small garden of peas and potatoes at my family’s home, but I have yet to work for a farm or be part of any agricultural organizations. This has been a newfound interest that h…

Daizy Dehnke headshot

Understanding Native Tilth

When I explained Tilth to my friends and family, I was forced to truly consider what Tilth meant to me and how it compared with the true definition. Tilth in my own definition meant the upkeep and sustainable maintenance of soil. In comparison to the actual definition, Tilth is the condition of tilled soil in respect to the suitab…

Tomyia Wallace headshot.

2019 Tilth Alliance Conference: Learning Beyond the Surface

Before attending the Tilth Alliance Conference I was unsure what “tilth” even meant. I am currently a senior studying organic and sustainable agriculture at Washington State University. I grew up on my family’s dairy farm in Southern Idaho where the majority of the farms are commodity crops and there is not much farm-consumer interactions. I knew that there would be great food and people who shared a…

Kathryn Fitzgerald head shot.

How Rangeland Resilience Can Help Ranchers Facing Climate Change Impacts

Natural climate variability, including variability driven by El Niño (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) cycles, dominates the Pacific Northwest’s climate and will remain very important into the future. At the same time, long-term climatic changes are already being felt, and are expected to continue. Average temperatu…

Shrub steppe vegetation with flowering balsamroot and lupin

Can fertilizer derived from dairy manure be used to produce raspberries with minimal food safety risk?

Whatcom County is in the northwest corner of Washington State and has a rich history of agricultural production. This region is the top producer of processed red raspberries in the U.S., with product shipped globally. The area also has an active dairy industry, with over 45,000 dairy cows (USDA NASS, 2017). There has been…

close up of red raspberries