Perspectives on Sustainability

Toward an “Innovative Ecosystem” for Ag Research

On December 7, 2012 the President’s Council on Science and Technology released a report on the health of the nation’s agricultural research enterprise.  It is a remarkable document that deserves close attention and a central place in the ongoing debate over where and how to deploy science and technology in advancing progress in the food […]

If climate change may benefit PNW agriculture, are farmers off the hook for reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

When discussing climate change, the scientific and policy communities generally differentiate between mitigation (reducing) of carbon/greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change. While there is certainly a causal linkage between these topics, this differentiation makes general sense in that taking action along either of these courses can take place independent of action along the […]

Climate change and ag initiatives: Can we achieve more than the sum of the parts?

Integrating Pacific Northwest Research, Extension and Teaching Initiatives on Climate Change and Agriculture: Achieving More than the Sum of the Parts? Over the past decade, more than 50 million dollars in competitive grant funding for climate change research has been invested in Pacific Northwest agricultural science institutions making the Pacific Northwest a global leader in […]

How to kill your soil

I recently saw an infographic that stated, “There are no life forms in the soil, which is sterilized…” What was it talking about? Soils on the moon?  A toxic chemical spill? Soils around Chernobyl? Nope,…

Can soil carbon storage really make a difference to our climate? Do we have the right data to answer?

Three studies on the relationship between agriculture and global carbon dynamics were released in the past couple of weeks that are relevant to Pacific Northwest agricultural systems. Two are studies published in a special issue of the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation from CSANR’s Climate Friendly Farming Project (Brown and Huggins; Stöckle et al.) […]

Making “black and white” out of a “shades of gray” world

I had the opportunity to attend the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) meeting for a day last week.  The day was devoted to the Crops Subcommittee which is charged with looking at all the production inputs to be allowed or prohibited in organic agriculture.  This is a daunting job, and board members (who are volunteers) […]

Celebrating two full decades of Sustainable Agriculture Science!

While I am not generally inclined toward self-promotion, I can say without hesitation that WSU truly is World Class when it comes to sustainable and organic agriculture. We know this because of the amazing run of success WSU scientists have had in recent years in various competitive science programs like USDA’s Organic Research and Extension […]

Impacts of Organic Food on Infants and Children – The AAP Weighs In

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy paper entitled “Organic Foods: Health and Environmental Advantages and Disadvantages” on October 22, 2012.  It is slated for publication in an upcoming issue of the journal Pediatrics.  This new review comes on the heels of a September, 2012 meta-analysis by a team of physicians at Stanford […]