Perspectives on Sustainability

Frequently Asked Questions about climate change and agriculture: Part 1

Some time ago I was asked to present at the Cultivating Regional Food Security Conference in Seattle on the topic of “research debunking food system assumptions related to climate change and food”. In preparing the presentation, I decided to address the five most common questions addressed to me regarding agriculture, food and climate change.

Why aren’t we talking more about the sustainability of water?

When I was young, my Grandfather’s most frequent complaint was that the rain “stopped at one fence-line, leap-frogged our farm, and started again at the next fence-line.” If I hadn’t seen it happen so many times myself, I don’t think I would have believed him. Growing up in a farm family from arid Eastern Washington, […]

Towards an Index of Sustainability for Agriculture

Language matters. The words we choose can greatly impact what we communicate. If I say “I see a car” most everyone who speaks English will get the exact same message. If I say “I support local foods” the interpretation will likely be highly variable. Let’s explore some of the language that accompanies society’s current heightened […]