Perspectives on Sustainability

What Can We Learn from the ‘Pacific Northwest Heat Dome’ of 2021?

It wasn’t just hot in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) during the last week of June. It was extraordinarily hot. Temperatures at Oregon State University’s North Willamette Research and Extension Center (NWREC) in Aurora, Oregon, reached a high of 113°F on June 28, with a nighttime low of 85°F. It wasn’t just one day…

Blackberry plant with dry, curling leaves and partially dessicated fruit.

How Do Grocery and Meal Kit Deliveries Impact the Carbon Footprint of Our Food?

I explored opportunities to reduce environmental impact related to food preparation and food waste in previous Perspectives on Sustainability articles. However, transportation in the food supply chain is a significant contributor to carbon emissions: all the transportation and miles in between the farm and your plate are part of …

A cardboard box containing a meal kit.

Waste a Lot, Warm a Lot – Reducing Food Waste is Part of Climate-Friendly Eating

While many scientists, producers, and consumers recognize the importance of quantifying the carbon footprint of agriculture, most efforts focus on on-farm activities. The journey food takes before it lands on a consumer’s plate is complex and requires looking beyond the farm gates: as it turns out…

Peeled potatoes in a yellow bowl; scraps to the right.

Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fryer: Climate Mitigation Opportunities for French Fries

Efforts to quantify the carbon footprint of agriculture are often focused on the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from on-farm activities, mostly from fertilizer production and the energy required for use of farm implements. While you, as a climate change-conscious consumer, may place your attention on the environmental impact of…

Baked vs fried french fries

What Does Climate Change Mean for Flooding in the Columbia River Basin?

Previous posts by CSANR researchers on our sister blog,, have focused on research related to anticipated climate change impacts on water availability and timing of available irrigation water in the Columbia River Basin, given the concern with having sufficient water to support the range of uses in the region. But is too little water the only concern?

Aerial shot of riber channel and flooded farmland.

Biodiversity, Healthy Soils, and their Combination in Regenerative Agriculture can Reduce but not Replace Fertilizer

“Dependent on off-farm inputs…” Can it be otherwise? People inside and outside of science like to point to how nature needs no inputs, yet still produces. Then, as above, they wonder…

Tropical rainforest