
Participatory On-Farm Agroecological Education: Assessing the Effectiveness of a 14 year Farmer-University Partnership

Recent decades have seen a growing recognition that diverse, small, organic, and sustainable farms have been underserved by standard public agricultural research and extension paradigms (FAO 2011, IAASTD 2009, IPES 2016). Following the publication of the seminal USDA report “A Time to Act” (1998), a state legislative initiative established a Small Farms Program (SFP) at […]

Development of a USDA NIFA SCRI proposal to combat onion bacterial diseases across the US

This BIOAg grant was used to support a postdoctorate, Dr. Louisa Winkler, to assist Dr. Lindsey du Toit, WSU Professor of Plant Pathology, prepare a 12-state, 20-person collaborative, multi-disciplinary proposal on onion bacterial diseases to the USDA NIFA Specialty Crops Research Initiative in March 2018. The submitted proposal, which requested ~$3.5 million, ranked in the […]

Breaking bindweed: Can plant growth regulators disrupt apical dominance, deplete a persistent bud bank, and improve the control of perennial weed species in specialty crops?

Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) is notoriously difficult to manage in specialty crop systems, particularly those under organic production. Perennial species possess the abundant nutrient reserves necessary to facilitate plant regrowth from underground, vegetative, and dormant buds following physical or chemical control measures. Research conducted in other species has identified the signature genes involved in regulating […]

Sustainable Crop-Livestock Integration for System Health in the Dryland Inland Pacific Northwest

Dryland wheat-fallow producers have begun switching to a direct seed tillage system for soil health benefits such as reduced runoff, increased water infiltration, increased consistency of crop stands, more and longer period of surface cover from crop residue, better soil moisture, and fewer dust clouds at planting time. However, this practice often requires increased pesticide […]

Evaluating the Impacts of Border Vegetation Patterns on Multifunctional Biodiversity and Crop Production in Washington Blueberry

Herbaceous flowering or woody plant borders are controversial in commercial blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) production. Border vegetation has the potential to increase populations of native pollinators and beneficial insects and birds that feed on key blueberry pests, such as spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii; SWD); however, they may also draw pollinators away from the crop, serve […]

Capturing drought-avoidance genotypes using peroxisome proliferation readout

Drought significantly affects agriculture in the US and has resulted in $4 billion in losses in just 2014 alone. Optimization of water management together with improved agricultural practices caused significant yield increases without additional water input. The next significant improvement in water use efficiency is predicted to be in breeding plant varieties with better performance […]

Examining microbial mediation of disease resistance, pollinator attraction, and crop yield in apple crops

The composition of microbial communities can have dramatic, but often unappreciated, impacts on crop production. In apple crops, surveys indicate that numerous microbe species colonize flowers and nectar, which can in turn mediate floral and nectar traits and pollinator behavior. Microbial communities also affect the susceptibility of trees to pathogens such as the bacterium Erwinia […]

Biodegradable peptides as triggers of plant defense against pathogens and pests

Biologically active compounds derived from plants, e.g., peptide elicitors are known as a strong inducer of defense responses against pathogens and pests. Recently, the PI’s group found that several peptides from potato can induce a defense response. They also found that other peptides have a potential to be a stronger defense inducer in potatoes. To […]

Increasing legume nodulation for improved symbiotic nitrogen fixation

We have identified a gene from Sinorhizobium medicae that substantially increases nodulation of Sinorhizobium meliloti on barrel medic and Rhizobium leguminosarum on pea and increases biomass of nodulated barrel medic by ~40%.  The glx gene appears to work by overcoming plant-mediated inhibition of nodule formation and is the first gene we know of with this […]