Organic Agriculture

Oregon Organic Statistics 2008

An overview of organic agriculture statistics for the state, including acres and farms, farmgate sales, crop breakdown, and livestock. A Powerpoint presentation in PDF format.

Pastured Poultry

Raising pastured poultry is a simple way to integrate livestock into small farms. A summary of experiences at WSU Puyallup with small-scale pastured poultry production on organically certified land from 2005-2007 is presented. The goal was to integrate pastured broilers into a vegetable-pasture rotation in an organic farming systems experiment.

Soils and Soil Testing

Links for farmers and gardeners to resources on soil sampling, soil testing, and soil test interpretation.

Soil Quality

A series of measurements was begun in 2004 to assess selected soil physical and biological properties in a variety of cropping and management systems. Measurements include bulk density, soil compaction, soil organic matter, and aggregate stability. Biological measurements began in 2005.