Organic Agriculture

Organic Raspberry Root Rot Control

Dr. Carol Miles, WSU Mt Vernon Research and Extension Center, and Dr. Pete Bristow, WSU Puyalllup, are investigating organic options to control root rot (Phytopthora fragriae var. rubi). This study is focused on organic root rot control, however all raspberry growers will benefit from new disease management options.

Profile of organic crops in Washington State – 2008

February 2009. A comprehensive report (PDF) on organic crop production in the state, including acreage totals by crop and county, farmgate sales by county, and results from the 2007 Census of Agriculture.

Idaho organic acres

by crop and livestock, for both 2004 and 2005. Data from some certifiers is missing for both years.

Greenhouse Gases and Agriculture: Where Does Organic Farming Fit?

Agriculture can be both a source and a sink for greenhouse gases. In this webinar, the presenters discuss these roles of agriculture, how management affects them, and ways in which organic farming systems in particular may influence greenhouse gases.