
Diverse vegetable production systems in Washington State range from large-scale, processed vegetable production in Central Washington (e.g., potatoes for french fries) to diversified fresh-market vegetable production, to vegetable seed production. These systems range from traditional conventional production to integrated to organic and are significant for local, regional, national, global and processed markets. Each of these production systems as well as sub-regions of Washington state have unique challenges to sustainable production. CSANR has supported research on a variety of vegetable production issues including fertility, nutrition, crop protection, diversification and soil quality.

Featured Publications

Farmer-to-Farmer & Rancher-to-Rancher Case Studies Series

Authors include: Yorgey, G., Borrelli, K., Painter, K., Davis, H., Hall, S., Hudson, T., Neibergs, S., Reeves, M., Kruger, C., McGuire A., Finkelnburg, D., Roe, D., Brooks, E., and Kantor, S. 2016-2019. PNW Extension Publications and videos. These series explore strategies that innovative regional farmers and ranchers are using that enhance resilience to climate change and […]

Video: Reduced tillage in organic vegetable production

Sullivan D. and D.P. Collins. 2018. WSU Extension Video. This video is intended for organic vegetable producers and agricultural professionals, especially in the maritime northwest. Techniques and findings from recent research are shared to assist producers in trialing reduced tillage systems. The video covers the concept of reduced tillage organic agriculture, cover crop and weed management, […]

WSU Vegetable Research and Extension

Vegetable crop production and alternative crop development such as edamame, wasabi, bamboo, and organic seed production. Work is targeted for both small-scale and large commercial growers, with emphasis on organic production. Links include new fact sheets and information on grafted vegetables .

Organic Farming Systems

In 2003 an organic vegetable production systems experiment was established on organically certified research land at WSU Puyallup. The experiment compares 12 organic management systems, including three cover cropping systems, 2 tillage treatments, and 2 amendment types, arranged in a split-split plot design.

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