
Insect Management Strategies

Eigenbrode, S., E. Bechinski, N. Bosque-Pérez, D. Crowder, A. Rashed, S. Rondon, B. Stokes. 2017. Chapter 11 In Yorgey, G. and C. Kruger, eds. Advances in Dryland Production Systems in the Pacific Northwest. Washington State University Extension, Pullman, WA.

Integrated Weed Management

Burke, I., K. Kahl, N. Tautges, F. L. Young. 2017. Chapter 9 In Yorgey, G. and C. Kruger, eds. Advances in Dryland Production Systems in the Pacific Northwest. Washington State University Extension, Pullman, WA.

Soil Fertility Management

Borrelli, K., T. Maaz, W. Pan, P. Carter, H. Tao. 2017. Chapter 6 In Yorgey, G. and C. Kruger, eds. Advances in Dryland Production Systems in the Pacific Northwest. Washington State University Extension, Pullman, WA.

Soil Health

Awale, R., S. Machado, R. Ghimire, P. Bista.  Soil Health. Chapter 2 In Yorgey, G. and C. Kruger, eds. Advances in Dryland Production Systems in the Pacific Northwest. Washington State University Extension, Pullman, WA.

Rotational Diversification and Intensification

Kirby, E., W. Pan, D. Huggins, K. Painter, P. Bista. 2017. Chapter 5 In Yorgey, G. and C. Kruger, eds. Advances in Dryland Production Systems in the Pacific Northwest. Washington State University Extension, Pullman, WA.

Conservation Tillage Systems

Bista P., S. Machado, R. Ghimire, G. Yorgey, D. Wysocki. 2017. Chapter 3 In Yorgey, G. and C. Kruger, eds. Advances in Dryland Production Systems in the Pacific Northwest. Washington State University Extension, Pullman, WA.

Snapshot of organic farming 2016

D. Granatstein and E. Kirby. This article provides a review of key data on the Washington organic sector in 2015 and some preliminary data for 2016.  From Tilth Producers Quarterly, January 2017.