
Organic Fruit Production

WSU Organic Fruit Production website at the Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center.

Small-Scale Biogas Technology

With support from USDA Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (Western SARE), CSANR developed a project to explore options for developing improved technology for applications in small farm settings in the US. Resources developed in the project are available on this site.

Agriculture of the Middle

This national initiative seeks to renew what is being called the “agriculture-of-the-middle.” This term refers to a disappearing sector of mid-scale farms/ranches and related agrifood enterprises that are unable to successfully market bulk commodities or sell food directly to consumers. Begun as a task force in 2003, the initiative is entering a development phase.

Pacific Regional Biomass Energy Partnership

This is a 6-state effort supported jointly by the State Energy Offices and the US Department of Energy that provides a clearinghouse for information on bioenergy in the region. It is the repository for a number of research reports and tools developed by CSANR and our colleagues.

Biofuels Cropping Systems Research and Extension Project

Pacific Northwest cropping systems are dominated by irrigated specialty crops (ie. fruits and vegetables), high quality forages, and a dryland cereal grain system (primarily wheat). It is highly unlikely that we will ever seen the fence-row to fence-row production of commodity crops that fit the model of first generation biofuel crops (ie. corn and soybeans). […]

WSU Bioprocessing and Bioproducts Engineering Laboratory

Professor Shulin Chen’s Research Laboratory group at the WSU Department of Biological Systems Engineering. Research efforts include organic waste inventory and characterization; anaerobic digestion of manure and food processing wastes; High Solids Anaerobic Digestion for the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes (OFMSW); recovery of nutrients and fertilizers from organic wastes; and pre-treatment technology for […]

WSU Thermo-Chemical Engineering Laboratory: Manuel Garcia-Perez

Professor Garcia-Perez is an expert in thermo-chemical engineering of biomass into energy and products. Our work with Garcia-Perez includes the development and evaluation of biochar from the pyrolysis of woody organic wastes as a potential soil amendment.