
Washington State organic profle – 2004.

An overview of organic agriculture statistics for the state, including acres and farms by county, farmgate sales by county, crop breakdown, and organic tree fruit trends. A Powerpoint presentation in PDF format.

Washington State organic profile – 2005

An overview of organic agriculture statistics for the state, including acres and farms by county, farmgate sales by county, crop breakdown, livestock and organic tree fruit trends. A Powerpoint presentation in PDF format.

Organic Tree Fruit Trends

February 2007. A powerpoint presentation (as PDF) on the most recent trends in organic tree fruit acreage and prices, with an emphasis on Washington State.

Organic Tree Fruit trends report

March 2007. A comprehensive report (PDF) on acreage trends and prices for Washington organic apples, pears, and cherries, as well as some national and global data.

Organic Feed for Washington State

March 2007. A powerpoint presentation ((PDF) from recent workshops on the shortage of organic feed in the state and region.

Washington State organic profile – 2006

An overview of organic agriculture statistics for the state, including acres and farms by county, farmgate sales by county, crop breakdown, livestock and organic tree fruit trends. A Powerpoint presentation in PDF format.