
Annual Certified Organic Agriculture Data for WA. 2004-2018

Annual Certified Organic Agriculture Data for WA. 2004-2018. D. Granatstein and E. Kirby. An archival file of data by year on acres, number of farms, crop detail, county data, dairy, and farmgate sales. Downloadable Excel file that can then be queried.

The Effects of Masticating Forest Fuels on Fire Behavior

Kirkpatrick, A.W. 2021. The Effects of Masticating Forest Fuels on Fire Behavior. FireEarth Science Brief No. 12. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.

The Effects of Fire Intensity on Trees and Productivity

Kirkpatrick, A.W. 2021. The Effects of Fire Intensity on Trees and Productivity. FireEarth Science Brief No. 11. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.

Understanding Support for Regulatory Approaches to Wildfire Management

Kirkpatrick, A.W. 2021. Understanding Support for Regulatory Approaches to Wildfire Management. FireEarth Science Brief No. 09. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.

Intended Evacuation Behaviors During Wildfire

Kirkpatrick, A.W. 2021. Intended Evacuation Behaviors During Wildfire. FireEarth Science Brief No. 07. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.

Fire Intensity Impacts on Net Primary Productivity

Kirkpatrick, A.W. 2021. Fire Intensity Impacts on Net Primary Productivity. FireEarth Science Brief No. 06. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.

Assessing Landscape Vulnerability to Wildfire

Saari, B. and Hall, S.A. 2021. Assessing Landscape Vulnerability to Wildfire. FireEarth Science Brief No. 04. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.