
Backyard Composting

Cogger, C. and D. Sullivan. WSU Extension Bulletin EB1784E. Rev. March, 2009. This updated bulletin provides a straight forward guide to making and using compost with an introductory section on the science of composting.

Washington State Compost Educator’s Guide

Wescott, H., A. Bary, C. Cogger, C. Sullivan. 2009. This guide provides science-based information on residential composting and vermicomposting for use in Washington and assists compost educators with training events and outreach. Project was supported by the Washington State Department of Ecology and US EPA-Region 10.

2009 High Residue Farming under Irrigation Workshop

High Residue Farming Resources, Andy McGuire, WSU Extension Soil Compaction and High Residue Farming, Randall Reeder, Ohio State University, Columbus Soil-Air-Water-Residue Interactions in HRF Planting, Andy McGuire Opportunities for Organic No-till Vegetables, Doug Collins, WSU Extension Worst Case Scenario: Results of the HRF Demo Project, Andy McGuire Getting Into Controlled Traffic, Randall Reeder Grower Panel: […]

Organic Waste to Resources Research and Pilot Project Report: Use of Biochar from the Pyrolysis of Waste Organic Material as a Soil Amendment

David Granatstein, Chad Kruger, Hal Collins, Manuel Garcia-Perez, and Jonathan Yoder, September 2009. Biochars from different feedstocks were tested on five soils. Biochars on all soil types increased soil C. Biochar C was stable in soil with mean residence times estimated in the hundreds of years. Soil nitrate levels were reduced with increasing biochar rate […]