
2008 Estimated Costs and Returns for a 150-head Cow-calf to Grass-finished Beef Production System in the Channelled Scablands Range Area of East-central Washington

In response to the popularity of grass-finished beef, this publication provides a production budget analysis using both ranch-owned and leased forage sources in eastern Washington to determine profitability. Funded by the William D. Ruckelshaus Center, the Beefing Up the Palouse pilot project applied a total systems approach to develop a replicable production model to help […]

Gender and Certified Organic Production in Washington State

Goldberger, J. 2008. Poster. Today, women make up a growing proportion of principle farm operators, especially in “alternative” agriculture. Understanding the experiences and perspectives of female and male farmers will help land-grant universities and other service providers better serve the needs of all organic producers.