
Current Status of Global Organic Temperate Fruit

Presentation given at the International Organic Fruit Conference in Vignola, Italy, June 19-17, 2008. Co-sponsored by ISHS and IFOAM. The presentation covers consumer market trends, fruit production trends, and economics. The conference included over 40 presentations on plant protection, plant nutrition and soils, post harvest, and economics. These will be published in Acta Horticulturae in […]

Greenhouse Gas Balance for Composting Operations

Brown, S., Kruger, C.E., & Subler, S. (2008). J Environ Qual 37:1396-1410. The greenhouse gas (GHG) impact of composting a range of potential feedstocks was evaluated through a review of the existing literature with a focus on methane (CH4) avoidance by composting and GHG emissions during composting.

On-Farm Composting of Large Animal Mortalities

Price, C. and L. Carpenter-Boggs. WSU Extension Bulletin EB2021E. 2008. Composting can be a safe and effective method for disposing of on-farm mortalities when the correct procedures are followed and the system is managed well. This bulletin provides the necessary information for large animal producers in Washington State to start and maintain a safe and […]

The Formation of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and Dioxins During Pyrolysis: A Review of the Literature with Descriptions of Biomass Composition, Fast Pyrolysis Technologies and Thermochemical Reactions

Manuel Garcia-Perez, June 2008. It is clear that any new thermochemical processing technologies must represent clean processes. To examine whether the production of bio-oils and biochar could generate PAH and dioxins during pyrolysis processes, a global literature review was conducted. Processing method for recovering energy, fuel and products from organic waste can have detrimental impacts […]