
Compost Tea and Food Safety

Bary, A. and D. Granatstein. 2003. This article discusses the increasing interest in use of compost teas for food production and potential food safety risks.

Dairy Waste Composting

Myers Collins, K., R. Shumway and Q. Liu. May, 2003. WSU Extension Bulletin EB1947B. This bulletin discusses on-farm manure and straw bedding composting methods, costs, benefits and economics of composting, and marketing of compost. Additional information on this topic can be found in Extension Bulletins EB1947E and EB1948E.

Bioenergy inventory and assessment for Eastern Washington.

Shulin Chen, Craig Frear, BingCheng Zhao, and Guobin Fu. October 2003. This Phase 1 project assessed Eastern Washington′s twenty counties for available biomass and calculated the potential energy production from twenty four organic resource types. Annual production of 4.3 million tons of underutilized dry biomass was found.