
Current Trends in Organic Tree Fruit Production (through 2001)

D. Granatstein and E. Kirby. 2002. CSANR Report No. 4, Wenatchee, WA. 24 pp. A PDF manuscript presenting organic tree fruit acreages in Washington State along with national and international estimates. Price trends are also included. Data cover through the end of 2001.

Agricultural Efficiency – WSU Extension Energy Program webpage

The WSU Energy Program offers information, education and tools to help reduce energy use in the agriculture sector. Farmers and ranchers use energy directly to operate machinery or equipment and to heat, cool, light and ventilate buildings. They also use energy indirectly through fertilizers and other products that are integral to production or processing.

Effects of Biodynamic Preparations on Compost Development.

Carpenter-Boggs, L., J. Reganold, A. Kennedy. 2000. Biol. Agric. Hortic. 17:313-328. The study showed that additions of herbal biodynamic preparations to compost piles resulted in consistently higher pile temperature during active composting, and higher nitrate levels and lower dehydrogenase:carbon dioxide release in mature compost samples, compared to the control.