Tara Zimmerman

What You Need to Know About Fruit Acclimation to Heat Stress

Written by Antoinette Avorgbedor, Intern at Washington State University’s Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center and the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources. Did you know that people indigenous to the hotter equatorial regions have much lower sweat rates than people in cooler regions of the world? Similar to the ability of the human body to adjust to different climatic conditions, plants have evolved various mechanisms to survive extreme weather conditions. Besides long-term evolutionary modific…

apple orchard

How suitable is apple orchard netting as a sunburn control measure?

Written by Antoinette Avorgbedor, Intern at WSU’s Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center and CSANR. More likely than not, you have passed large apple orchards in your travels around the Pacific Northwest area and observed nets spanning wide areas of apple trees. Sometimes the entire top and all the sides of orchards are enclosed. A 2017 survey conducted in Washington State to assess the exte…

Small apple trees with blue, white and red netting above

A year of this blogging thing…

Wow! Somehow a year has gone by since we first acted on the idea of a Center-wide CSANR blog, Perspectives on Sustainability. Thanks for sticking with us! Have a look back at director Chad Kruger’s initial post and let us know how we are doing. We always welcome your feedback and topic suggestions, so don’t hesitate to get in […]