Perspectives on Sustainability

Shared Data is a Key Part of Integrated Floodplain Management in the Puyallup Watershed

In the Puget Sound Region, it’s clear that climate change impacts will involve changes in precipitation that will impact agriculture, especially agriculture in floodplain areas (Mauger et al. 2015). However, it’s not yet known how precipitation pattern changes will combine with changes in stormwater run-off and sea-level rise…

A drainage ditch very full with brown, near-stagnant water

Ecosystem Monitoring

As a long time farmer and recent graduate student, going to conferences like the Tilth Conference are opportunities to go see my people.  People who know what it is like to work where they live and work hours that are not governed by a clock but by the work that needs to be done. The conference is also an opportunity for those that live with dirt on their boots to shake hands and share thoughts/ideas and a meal with the researcher…

Mark Batcheler

2018 Cover Crop Monoculture vs Mixture Update

Since my 2016 post, “Cover crop best bet is monoculture, not mix,” I have continued to follow the research on cover crop mixtures looking for evidence contrary to my prior conclusions. However, I found much the same as when I wrote the 2017 update of the post. In this 2018 update, I cover all the research I found published during the past year, give some guidelines for conditions under which mixture research should be done to match…

close up of cover crop mixture growing

Organic Ag Snapshot for 2017

Organic agriculture in Washington State, as with the rest of the country and world, experienced continued growth in 2017, as we documented in our latest report PDF. New records were reached for certified farms and…

a patch of red and green leaf lettuce.