The BIOAg Grant Program is one critical way that the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources carries out its mission improve the environment, increase farm profitability, and improve the human sustainability of agriculture and the food system. We use this program to incubate research and educational activities at WSU that advance the sustainability of agriculture in the state – enabling WSU faculty and partners to leverage significant additional external support to advance these goals. In addition, the Program has supported a number of graduate students who have and will pursue careers in academia, industry and community leadership with a focus on agricultural sustainability.
I am very pleased to be able to share with you the projects selected for funding this year. Projects include research, extension, and curriculum development at the new Everett campus. They also range from basic laboratory science to applied projects, from developing new methods to quantify the weed seedbank, to evaluating and documenting the impacts of 14 years of Farmwalks. The diversity and creativity of the funded projects is a reflection on the incredible diversity and creativity that we see on a daily basis in Washington’s food and agriculture community.
The investigators and project titles for all of this year’s selections are listed below. Follow the links to learn more about each project. You can also visit our grants database to learn about the results from past BIOAg projects.
- Stabilizing the OFoot Decision Support Tool for Interdisciplinary Research Carpenter-Boggs, L.
- Impact of manure-derived fertilizers on bacterial community and antibiotic resistance genes in Washington red raspberry fields Zhu, M.
- Can lignin degrading organisms reduce Verticillium wilt in pumpkin cropping systems? Tymon, L.
- Impact of Biochar, Black Liquor, and Fly Ash Application to Soil on Productivity of Wheat in Eastern Washington Murray, T.
- Tallgrass Prairie in Central Washington: Establishing Warm-Season Perennial Grasses on Irrigated Pasture Hudson, T.
- Quantifying the Weed Seedbank Using Quantitative PCR and Soil Community Analysis Sullivan, T.
- Strategic Development of the Organic Agriculture Systems Major at WSU Everett Ewing, B.
- Participatory On-Farm Agroecological Education: Assessing the Effectiveness of a 14 year Farmer-University Partnership Ostrom, M.
- Development of a USDA NIFA SCRI proposal to combat onion bacterial diseases across the US du Toit, L.