Sustainable Practices and Technology

Using Timing of Risks and Benefits to Breed Barley for Future Climates

Barley, like wheat, can be sown in the fall, overwinter, and grow and mature the next season, or can be planted in the early spring, and have a shorter, quicker growing season. For a variety of reasons, however, spring barley is considered “the good one” for malting and producing beer.

Headshot of Patrick Hayes in front of a green field

“To Be or Not to Be…” Considerations at the Intersection of Breeding Apples and Climate Change

I recently had some highly educational and thought-provoking conversations with Kate Evans, Professor of the Department of Horticulture and director of the Pome (apple and pear) Fruit Breeding Program at Washington State University. These conversations broadened my thinking on plant breeding and climate change from a focus on understanding to what extent …

Dr. Kate Evans