Growers’ perceptions of IPM in pear across regions in the Pacific Northwest  

Pear IPM programs focusing on selective pesticides and cultural controls are demonstrated to effectively manage the most challenging pest, pear psylla, better than conventional programs relying on broad-spectrum insecticides. IPM programs are also less expensive, safer for workers, and more environmentally responsible. Washington pear growers spray 10-15 broad-spectrum insecticides per season, costing around $1500/acre while achieving poor control. Conversely, Oregon growers manage pear psylla successfully with five selective sprays per season, at around $500/acre. A currently funded project (PI: Nottingham) is underway to test selective pear IPM programs using a pear psylla phenology model. The proposed project, herein, will serve as the Extension arm to that project by providing stakeholder education services and conducting research into grower decision making and Extension needs, which we will use to refine our Extension methods. We expect these efforts will lead to more rapid adoption of pear IPM in Washington.

Grant Information

  • Project ID: 213
  • Project Status: Complete