
From Ground to Glass: Evaluation of unique barley varieties for western Washington craft malting, brewing and distilling

This research project was initiated to provide regional agronomic and end-use data for specialty barley producers and end-users in western Washington, and to evaluate for the impact of barley variety on distillate and beer flavor compounds. The long-term aim of the project is to cultivate high-value markets for grain based on distinctive end-use qualities such […]

Combined Soils and High Residue Farming Workshop and Summary Publication

An increasing number of Columbia Basin farmers and crop consultants are interested in building soil quality and high residue farming in irrigated cropping systems (2015 survey results).  Since 2007, we have held several successful Building Soils for Better Crops workshops, as well as a series of high residue farming workshops starting in 2004. Both efforts […]

Building soil quality, enhancing soil microbial function, and alleviating chlorosis in Concord grapes with inter-row cover crops

Leaf yellowing, or chlorosis, occurs on more than 50% of the Concord vineyards in central WA, resulting in significant reductions in vine size, uniformity, productivity, and eventually vine death. The yellowing of the leaves resembles classic Fe-deficiency chlorosis, however many studies have attempted without success to determine the precise cause and effective treatment of this […]

Rapid sensing of dairy manure nutrients for precision applications in agricultural production

This research focuses on precise manure utilization on agricultural land, which addresses two of the BIOAg priorities: organic waste management and building soil quality. Excess manure application can adversely affect water quality, while under-application lowers crop yield potential. Precision application of manure requires information on its nutrients but the existing reliable nutrient determination methods are […]

Impact of fungal root endophytes on Verticillium wilt using cucurbits as model hosts

V. dahliae (Vd) is a soilborne fungus that infects a broad range of economically important plants. Infection causes chlorosis and necrosis and yield loss due to invasion and colonization of vascular tissues. The pathogen’s wide host range makes crop rotation challenging for disease reduction. Soil fumigation is economically and environmentally costly and must be done […]

Integrating manure-based amendments with pest control: Potential of predatory flies (Scathophagidae) as a secondary benefit of manure amendments, for early season control of spotted wing drosophila in red raspberry

Yellow dung flies, Scathophaga stercoraria are associated with dung of large mammals. They are predatory on other flies particularly drosophila and are attracted to red raspberry fields following manure applications in early spring. We investigated their potential to provide season-long impact on spotted wing drosophila populations (Drosophila suzukii, SWD) in red raspberry by feeding on […]

Strip tillage and cover cropping for enhanced water use efficiency in western Washington organic vegetable farms

Tillage is an important tool in organic systems for weed control, residue management, seedbed preparation, and regulation of spring soil temperature. As excessive tillage wastes energy and degrades soil quality, organic producers are encouraged to reduce tillage. Soil water also evaporates more quickly from bare, tilled soils, potentially increasing irrigation demand. This integrated research and […]

Rapid Evaluation of Winter Wheat Residue Decomposition Potential

Managing crop residue is essential to conservation farming systems that enhance soil quality and reduce soil erosion.  Growers, and the seed dealers they work with, regularly request information on residue decomposition of winter wheat cultivars, but none is currently available.  Previous analysis of winter wheat residue has shown that hard and soft cultivars differ significantly […]

Precision application of organic amendments for improved soil quality in replant orchards

During apple orchard renewal, Apple Replant Disease (ARD) and soil degradation can lead to inconsistent infill vigor and uneven fruit production. Brassica seed meal is an effective organic amendment for suppressing ARD and improving soil fertility in new plantings, but it is expensive and not necessary for orchard areas that do not express ARD. We […]

Creation of a Web-Based Training Course to Promote Biological Control

This project aims to stabilize and enhance conservation biological control of pests in tree fruit orchards. The adoption of organophosphate-alternative pesticides has destabilized the biological controls for pests in integrated pest management (IPM) programs, many of which were taken for granted under organophosphate-dominated management regimes. Pest management decision makers need a better understanding of how […]