Production and quality of winter grown organic vegetables in Washington

Grant Information

  • Project ID: 023
  • Project Status: Complete




Neely, H.L., R.T. Koenig and C.A. Miles. Fertility and cultivar effects on nitrate distribution in leafy greens. HortScience in review.

Neely, H.L., R.T. Koenig, C.A Miles, T.C. Koenig and M. Karlsson. 2010. Diurnal fluctuation in tissue nitrate concentration of field-grown leafy greens at two latitudes. HortScience 45:1815-1818. (Recognized by HortScience as one of ‘Top 10 articles read in December 2010’)

Ott, K., R.T. Koenig and C. Miles. 2009. A comparison of rapid potentiometric and colorimetric methods for monitoring tissue nitrate concentrations in leafy green vegetables. HortTechnology 19:439-444. (highlighted in a Science Daily news release Sept. 8, 2009).

Ott, K.A., R.T. Koenig and C.A. Miles. 2008. Impacts of plant part on nitrate concentration in leafy greens. International J. Veg. Sci. 14:351-361.

Additional Funds Leveraged

We submitted a grant proposal to WSARE to continue and expand this reserach to include AK. The proposal was not selected for funding.; We received $30,000 in an endowed graduate student fellowship to augment the CSANR funds


None have been measured to date.