Anaerobic Digestion (Biogas)

The Dairy Manure Biorefinery

Graphic poster depicting the biorefinery concept. Developed by Nick Kennedy, Jingwei Ma, Craig Frear, Georgine Yorgey, Tara Zimmerman, Chad Kruger, and Jim Jensen.

Dairy Waste Biorefinery

Kennedy, N., C. Frear, M. Garcia-Perez, C. Kruger, and S. Chen. 2013. Concept illustration and description.

Economics of Dairy Digesters in Washington State

Kennedy, N. 2013.  BioCycle Magazine. Feasibility study supports a shift from the conventional CHP model to a renewable natural gas (RNG) model that takes advantage of the accelerating move to natural gas fuels in the transportation sector.

Organic Waste Biorefinery

Kennedy, N., C. Frear, M. Garcia-Perez, C. Kruger, and S. Chen. 2013. Concept illustration and description.