
Health Benefits of Conventional, Organic and No-till Whole Wheat

There is growing consumer demand for foods perceived as being safe, healthy and sustainable. Organic and no-till wheat are often perceived as safe and sustainable and are well-positioned to gain market share if nutritional or quality advantages can be identified. Considering the known effects of environmental conditions on grain yield and quality, we hypothesized that […]

Phytonutrients and Genomics of Organic Tomatoes: Soil Fertility and/or Plant Defense

In previous studies, we showed that apples, strawberries, and tomatoes grown with organic nitrogen fertilizer sources had higher phytochemical contents than those fertilized with readily available sources of nitrogen. It is also possible that increased pest herbivory in the field stimulates plant defenses that elevate these phytochemicals in organic crops. To test the relative contributions […]

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Plant Growth and Productivity

This proposal addresses biologically intensive and organic approaches to improve plant nutrition, growth and productivity. Naturally occurring beneficial soil microbes are known to increase the acquisition of nutrients by plants. Optimizing plant-microbe interactions under varying environmental conditions is the key to maximize crop production, which will help the industry to decrease the dependence on chemical […]

Biennial Canola for Forage and Ecosystem Improvement in Dryland Cropping Systems

This work was a demonstration of concept that in year 1 canola can be intercropped with peas and the forage ensiled 70 days later, and a canola oilseed crop subsequently harvested in year 2. Botanically, when winter canola is seeded in the spring or early summer, it will grow as a biennial crop, in that […]

Local and landscape-scale conservation of beneficial predators in Columbia Basin Potato Crops

Biological control by naturally-occurring predatory insects and spiders is an ecologically friendly and sustainable approach to pest management. Biological control is often underutilized, however, in part because we know little about how to successfully conserve predators to maximize their impacts on pests. Here, in Washington potato fields, we investigated the effects of planting wildflower insectaries […]

Evaluation and development of buckwheat and quinoa as alternative small grains for Washington State organic farmers and consumers

This project focuses on three alternative grain crops (buckwheat, quinoa and winter spelt) that were identified by organic farmers in Washington State as unique in their potential to diversify and improve existing small to mid-scale farming systems. Buckwheat, quinoa and spelt have the potential, to differing extents, to: diversify cropping systems with under-represented grain crops […]

Effects of High Tunnels and Biodegradable Mulch Use on Fruit Quality and Yield in High-value Crops

High tunnels enhance and extend crop production by increasing air temperature and protecting the crop from rainfall. In high tunnel production systems, weeds are often controlled with plastic mulch. There is a desire to reduce non-recyclable waste by using biodegradable mulches (BDMs) that completely biodegrade in situ without detrimentally affecting yield, fruit quality, or the […]

Alternative Forage and Fodder Crops for Livestock Production

Increased costs of feed and the desire to enhance on-farm livestock feed production have created a need for alternative fodder and forage crops. Historically, many crops such as fodder beets, swedes, carrots and kale were used for livestock feed. Many small-scale crop producers in western Washington are looking to diversify their farming operations to include […]

Development of Economic and Environmental Life Cycle Analysis Tool for the Assessment of Nitrogen Fertilizers in Apple-Tree Fruit Industry

The project developed an environmental and economic assessment tool for the tree fruit industry. Moreover, an assessment study of fertilizer types was performed contributing to the sustainability of apple production. A simplified and interactive life cycle analysis (LCA) tool was programmed in excel. The LCA tool analyzes operations throughout the establishment, training and production phases […]

Vegetable grafting for Verticillium dahliae resistance

Tomato, eggplant, and watermelon can be significantly impacted by Verticillium wilt, a soil-borne disease common throughout Washington. Verticillium microsclerotia are known to persist in soil for over 13 years. Symptoms impact plants later in development after most production costs have been incurred, resulting in a 25-100% crop loss in some years even when ground has […]