
Land Application – A true path to zero waste?

Organic Waste to Resources Research and Pilot Project Report. Brown, S., K. Kurtz, C. Cogger and A. Bary, March 2010. Ecology Publication Number 09-07-059. This study tested the benefits of compost and biosolids applications to soils. Benefits included increased C and N levels, improved soil bulk density, water holding capacity and crop yield.

Backyard Composting

Cogger, C. and D. Sullivan. WSU Extension Bulletin EB1784E. Rev. March, 2009. This updated bulletin provides a straight forward guide to making and using compost with an introductory section on the science of composting.

Washington State Compost Educator’s Guide

Wescott, H., A. Bary, C. Cogger, C. Sullivan. 2009. This guide provides science-based information on residential composting and vermicomposting for use in Washington and assists compost educators with training events and outreach. Project was supported by the Washington State Department of Ecology and US EPA-Region 10.

Sierra Heights Vermicomposter Project

Organic Waste to Resources Research and Pilot Project Report. Sierra Heights Elementary, September 2009. Ecology Publication 09-07-066. A vermicompost bin was set up at the school. The project developed and put into practice a set of lessons (available at the link in the document) for teaching about food waste and composting.

Greenhouse Gas Balance for Composting Operations

Brown, S., Kruger, C.E., & Subler, S. (2008). J Environ Qual 37:1396-1410. The greenhouse gas (GHG) impact of composting a range of potential feedstocks was evaluated through a review of the existing literature with a focus on methane (CH4) avoidance by composting and GHG emissions during composting.

On-Farm Composting of Large Animal Mortalities

Price, C. and L. Carpenter-Boggs. WSU Extension Bulletin EB2021E. 2008. Composting can be a safe and effective method for disposing of on-farm mortalities when the correct procedures are followed and the system is managed well. This bulletin provides the necessary information for large animal producers in Washington State to start and maintain a safe and […]